Where I can order via Internet in uk for this cable??Since I have a friend in uk now, so he can bring back to me You can buy AQ Sub-3 n Shum Shui Po...
The brand which is cheap if you buy online is QED Yes, why not buy it in Shum Shui Po... and the price is cheap. Ok I will check in ssp first. Thanks for all ching 呢條都唔駛上網定啦! MK 德8地庫,ssp 永x 都有得買!{:6_238:} Is it good for my CHT8q 回復 6# fshair
師兄想一步到位, 勁.
ps . sub-3 係hk 買平過係英國買喇. Then which one more good for me??
I'm using SFH it cost $300
如果有排都唔換 sub 仔, AQ sub-1 都夠玩。可以搵吓二手,最好有單有盒。短期內會升級 sub 仔,就買 sub-3,唔駛到時又要升級埋條線。
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 我試過AQ Sub-3 + Velodyne CHT-8Q.
此組合效果唔理想, 底音量和細緻度都欠缺.{:6_194:}