Nan7yo 發表於 2011-1-24 13:58

I got Beyond too.I am neutral to the sound quality.Just good to have another version.Th ...
audionewhand 發表於 2011-1-24 10:12

Yes, totally agreed with you, the original CD is more natural for sure (it's original! :-P) that's why we all hv to keep the originally copies even no space at home...

AMCD fine tuned the songs in all direction (music, vocal etc) without changing a lot from master copy, and kind of balance in my system. 

Same as you, I only treat as collect 1 more copy on those albums or singers I like. 

If you ask me which one I will buy XRCD HQCD K2HD AMCD etc... only depends on how much I like the singers and the financial status when it came out...

Poor like shxt b4 CNY...

dai_cast 發表於 2011-1-24 22:23

我想要王傑 故事的角色 AMCD,請問九龍區邊度有呢?(最好MTR沿線啦)

Will 發表於 2011-1-24 23:44

我想要王傑 故事的角色 AMCD,請問九龍區邊度有呢?(最好MTR沿線啦)
dai_cast 發表於 2011-1-24 22:23

accustic 發表於 2011-1-25 07:01

今晚聽左,陳百強 傾訴. 有黑膠味音色較自然, 很平均, 有低有高. 可以買 入期他比較.

accustic 發表於 2011-1-25 07:04

王傑 故事的角色 AMCD ...............期待中.....{:1_351:}

yoes 發表於 2011-1-25 13:59

Yes, totally agreed with you, the original CD is more natural for sure (it's original! :-P) tha ...
Nan7yo 發表於 2011-1-24 13:58

Beyond is my must buy item coz I lost the old version{:6_197:}
waiting so long for this new release{:6_208:}

msiu100 發表於 2011-1-25 16:55

今晚聽左,陳百強 傾訴. 有黑膠味音色較自然, 很平均, 有低有高. 可以買 入期他比較. ...
accustic 發表於 2011-1-25 07:01


accustic 發表於 2011-1-26 05:21

msiu100 發表於 2011-1-25 16:55


accustic 發表於 2011-1-28 04:07

Sorry for the delay, Here is another report.
林憶蓮 回憶總是溫柔的 VS Original 1991 Version see picture for detail.
With my system, which i think is about avg the AMCD sound a lot smoother then the original. more like you can feel it. i think because of the awesome focus. Background again is really dark which i like it very much. Over all the sound is about level and the mastering skill is really up to the bar. one small thing the highes might feel a little overwhelming at first but it wasn't pinning at all.

Original Version. I know this CD for a long time it was in my must listen list. without compare it sound really good. however, tonight it has it chance VS others. I think it hold its ground at 1991 products very well. but AMCD does a better job over this original version. However, i will still keep the original as piece of music history.

Con: AMCD is a success CDs format and i will recommend for anyone who would like to explorer the new format and experience with improve CD sound quality from old recording like 10 to 20 years ago. Good Luck.

accustic 發表於 2011-1-28 04:16

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