我想問吓如果我對喇叭(DALI IKON 2) 的靈敏度係88dB, 係唔係代表佢難推 ? 怎樣先知道難唔難推?coz 我想買胆機, 驚部胆機唔夠power 去推!!
Thanks ching!!{:1_332:} 88db 都唔算好難推,我對對置得86db添!{:6_136:} 88dB 都起碼有個數據睇到叫算易推{:1_345:}
10w 8w可以推座地,20w 30w反而拉牛{:1_248:}
不過如你講下想入邊台問下呢到ching意見{:1_330:} i plan to buy the 300B tube amp (e.g. Sound master) ! but the power output seems not high! 小弟嗰對係88db 我想問如果我想用胆機 300B 胆去推, 係唔係唔夠力? 如果用300B 前級 (sound master no.11 300B pre-amp) 夾石機合併機, 會否好力d?{:1_342:} 我想問如果我想用胆機 300B 胆去推, 係唔係唔夠力? 如果用300B 前級 (sound master no.11 300B pre-amp) 夾 ...
beckham233 發表於 2011-1-17 21:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都諗住過年入番部 曙光膽 係咁E試一試{:1_332:} ching thanks!
Any brand suggestion? 回復 6# beckham233
If you use 300B power amp to drive the 88dB speaker. I can tell you it's OK. I already having same config. The performance is OK but don't ask bass. Anyway, if you wamt to buy a tube pre-amp, I suggest to apply a 2A3 pre-amp.{:1_245:}{:1_245:}{:1_264:}
BTW: The 300B amp & Speakers is DIY by myself. 回復 1# beckham233
好懷疑只看喇叭幾多DB sensivity, 便知道難唔難推 {:1_342:}