Big_McIn 發表於 2011-1-19 10:41

如果只張喇叭左右掉轉 , 都係右邊冇牆大聲 D ,
如果只張喇叭線左右掉轉 (AMP 果邊) , 左邊近窗會大聲 D...
LineageII 發表於 2011-1-18 22:47


KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-1-19 13:37

回復 1# LineageII

LineageII Ching , 小弟愚見 : -
1) 睇睇朋友有冇 AMP 可以 借返黎 駁一駁 聽一聽
2) 如果冇 , 花幾舊水去買部 T-AMP 返黎 , 一插便知
    會唔會係其他 架生/線材 出問題 囉

babuwa 發表於 2011-1-19 19:00

左右大細聲真係好多因素,喇叭同Amp一樣有機會出問題,Ching 最好帶部amp去D Friend度試吓先{:6_210:}{:6_210:}

LineageII 發表於 2011-1-20 00:03

有無跟埋音源即CDP/BDP/DAC左右聲道,將音源左右聲道掉轉,看看變化如何。 ...
Big_McIn 發表於 2011-1-19 10:41

試過了 , 還是一樣 .

LineageII 發表於 2011-1-20 00:03


LineageII Ching , 小弟愚見 : -
1) 睇睇朋友有冇 AMP 可以 借返黎 駁一駁 聽一聽
2) 如 ...
KUNGKUNG 發表於 2011-1-19 13:37

用過一部 AV amp 去推係冇問題.

LineageII 發表於 2011-1-20 00:08

回復 53# babuwa

其實關唔關電容事呢 ? 最大果 6 粒已經換過 , 但結果都係一樣.

tlee1 發表於 2011-1-22 00:00

I think it is totally due to very low ability of 代理D“師苦”.As you may know, MF and Dynaudio are the same 代理.I have experience in repairing my Dyna A42 speaker, I'm very unsatisfied with their repairing work.They make my speaker has scratch after repairing (luckily the scratch is in the bottom).Also, I think the technician has hearing ability problem, they cannot aware my speaker has problem.But obviously 2 speakers sound different.If you have met the代理D“師苦”, you will know that he is not a HIFI specialist, he is only a electrical technician.
If MF and Dyna keep on under this 代理, I will never use them no matter how good the product is.
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查看完整版本: 開似對部 amp 心灰意冷

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