lego_cyris 發表於 2011-1-17 00:42

可以參考 既資料,佢用 TV 用收 internet 既源頭。

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-17 00:45


以我個人理解,如果你個 AMP、BD、TV 有 Lan 頭需要上網攞資料,咁可以只要部 AMP 連接 rou ...
lego_cyris 發表於 17-1-2011 12:33 AM

Same as my understanding...just couldn't understand how it really works....

So the BDP/AMP/TV or whatsoever equipment...the HDMI input/output need to be capable to receive LAN signal?

apple1711 發表於 2011-1-17 00:46

有 Ching 靜雞雞入左唔出聲   好似好抵喎

咪咪~ 唔好望 ! 人地架 !!!
Netmans 發表於 2011-1-16 14:12

我係Qed official website搵唔到signature hdmi既資料, 請問係唔係已經discontinued?

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-17 00:49

可以參考既資料,佢用 TV 用收 internet 既源頭。
lego_cyris 發表於 17-1-2011 12:42 AM

Hmm...according to the chart...if I use wi-fi finger for the TV...receive internet signal...then use ethernet network enable HDMI cable to connect to the AMP...and BDP is connect to teh AMP also....they can all access to need extra cables for the AMP or BMP....hmm...hmm....

lego_cyris 發表於 2011-1-17 00:56

本帖最後由 lego_cyris 於 2011-1-17 00:57 編輯

回復 34# calvin629

From :
How to Ensure HDMI Ethernet Channel functionality in your Home Theater System :

1) Look for devices that include HDMI Ethernet Channel functionality.
2) Be sure to connect devices with one of the new cables designed to support HDMI Ethernet Channel functionality, either the Standard HDMI Cable with Ethernet or the High Speed HDMI Cable with Ethernet. (more)
3) Connect your devices through HDMI Ethernet Channel-enabled HDMI ports. HDMI Licensing has strongly recommended that Adopters label all HDMI Ethernet Channel-enabled HDMI ports with the letters "HEC" for easy identification, but does not require manufacturers to do so. Please check with your manufacturer to determine which HDMI ports (if any) will support HDMI Ethernet Channel functionality.

以我理解,要 Hardware support "HDMI Ethernet Channel" 既 "電器",如果用 USB 手指上網,佢應該唔可以用 HDMI 分享。

lego_cyris 發表於 2011-1-17 01:02

不過講到尾都係出新機既 selling point 多過實際,宜家行 Wifi N signal 已經好方便、好快,要部機同條線用多樣野,同質數有矛盾既地方。

timka 發表於 2011-1-17 10:54


cwkam 發表於 2011-1-17 11:05

我都有興趣,但運費好似要 20英鎊喎! 買2條或以上有 Discount 就抵啲.

ksing 發表於 2011-1-17 11:22


calvin629 發表於 2011-1-17 13:23

you expect handling + delivery is $#xx la....
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