TH-P42V20H vs TH-L42S25H vs TH-L42D25H
大家比D意見 What kind of TV are you using now? If you are using Plasma now...I suggest stick to Plasma...if LCD now...then go for LED... Best is to go to show room and take a look at the picture quality and choose the one that you feel most comfortable.... What kind of TV are you using now? If you are using Plasma now...I suggest stick to Plasma...if LCD...
calvin629 發表於 2011-1-13 01:42
有百記有sales介紹我 REGZAxv650 但
之後佢個DALES介紹我睇V20H~~但返黎睇左D師兄話冇24P SMOOTH FILM 同埋會窒
所以都唔知揀邊部好~~~或者有冇其他牌子 IDEA? For me, I am used to Plasma, all LCD and LED are too "sharp" for me...hmm...I mean not very comfortable when watching compare with Plasma. So I will always stick with Plasma until the market is not selling it anymore.
FYI...V20H is selling at $107xx in Fortress... 本帖最後由 里奧 於 2011-1-13 16:29 編輯
三部比較 , 一定係 V20最好 . 唔駛理個 24P SMOOTH FILM , 我本身有呢個功能都唔會用 , 用左會唔自然 , 似睇快鏡 . 卡通同球類如果唔夠快同清先需要用 , 睇碟同TV係唔駛開的 . 本身PLASMA反應時間已經夠快 ,唔駛用味精功能的 .不過打機用 PLASMA就要小心D , 頭200小時最好玩2小時好轉台睇其他野 , 過左 RUN-IN時間 , 你點玩就算有印只要睇幾粒鐘電視就洗走 .如長期打機唔睇TV咁買番 LCD會好用D .