kalok6 發表於 2011-1-13 17:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我幫襯過, OK la..{:6_210:} {:6_210:} 唉..問佢價又問返我係唔係買...我話係買不過都要知價錢架, 佢又問係唔係真係買先..比佢吹漲知後就走左.. 問價都咁難?{:6_200:}{:6_200:} 回復 13# babuwa
可能係咁o岩o個個sales o瓜.... 我都好怕去依D地方買嘢,去幫襯好似去乞甘,所以小弟程願比多D都去代理到買機 回復babuwa
可能係咁o岩o個個sales o瓜....
wwwbrian 發表於 2011-1-13 18:13 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
依家D雞已經咁貴,仲要咁既服務態度!!{:6_124:} {:6_124:}
仲邊有人會幫襯?{:6_153:} {:6_153:} 多謝各位 ching 回復 去年在旺角音響先後買了CDP和兩聲道AMP,他們態度很不錯,價錢比朗豪方和盈富平。 回復 12# wwwbrian
How to do business with such attitude? Even I went to some so called higher class showroom in TST the sales would tell me the discounted/cash price, and even I tried the speakers/amp for over ab hour without buying is OK! Afterall, buying hi-fi cannot be pushed. If one fine day you are just going to try the devices (you are not ready to buy) then whatever the sales said to you is nothing. I think the old-sales should understand well this point... 回復 19# ekylam
yes..totally agree and that is why i went away from there..and don't mind pay a little bit more to buy in dealer...