搬屋後發現部YAMAHA AV AMP出唔到Woofer(其他Speaker無問題)、試過買條新信号線都唔WORK,又試過問朋友借部Woofer返嚟試都唔點、我想是AMP同Woofer個接口出現問題、所以想請問各師兄給意見!①点修理? 邊度可修理?(巳過保養)
②要幾錢左右? 係時候換SUBWOOFER !{:1_330:} 又試過問朋友借部Woofer返嚟試都唔點<----唔关十仔事呀, 孤身走我路兄 應該amp有事....
一係搬去鴨記攪~~~~! C Hing
Change it{:6_222:} 部AMP用咗幾耐 ?{:1_336:} 搬屋後發現部YAMAHA AV AMP出唔到Woofer(其他Speaker無問題)、試過買條新信号線都唔WORK,又試過問朋友借 ...
terencekan 發表於 2011-1-11 14:11 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
If Yamaha...probably go back to Tom Lee..probably not cheap....
If your Amp is old model from few years ago...may be buy a new one is better....new AMP has many additional functions, e.g. playback of ipod/iphone
My Yahama DSP-AX1 also died earlier, certain channels dead including the subwoofer. And this happens to some of my friend who is using Yamaha Amp also...even though it was the flagship years ago...still it is stoneage tecbhology now...so I decide to purchase a new AMP instead...
Just my comment {:6_210:}直情係amp有事啦!!!!!