46HX900 定係 50VT20H?
本帖最後由 steveho 於 2011-1-8 20:32 編輯本來都諗定左PAN記, 但岩岩上官網睇46HX900平左3千,25XXX~即時十五十六{:6_243:}
各CHING有乜意見 $25XXX買個TV, 真係好捨得. {:1_351:} 50VT20H{:1_264:} i was choosing between 42gt20h & 46hx900 but 42gt20h is out of stock now so i bought the 46hx900 yesterday. $25xxx/24 month instalment. i liked the details of the 46hx900 more. 50vt20h is better than 42gt but out of my budget. 請問咩Spec?? http://www.sonystyle.com.hk/products/apps/product/simplePage.do?modelCode=18195200&lang=zh
http://www.panasonic.hk/av/chinese/tv/model/th-p50vt20h.aspx $25XXX買個TV, 真係好捨得.
七彩小生 發表於 2011-1-8 20:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
等貨尾時可能1萬2{:1_352:} PAN記{:6_193:}50VT20H Originally I want to buy Pan 42 " GT20H, now I have changed my plan : Buy 42" V20H instead and then wait for the naked eye 3D TV 1 to 2 year later !! 別無他選