不過5350 更加好...^^ interesting.. I am using BX2 + 7003 {:6_211:} interesting.. I am using BX2 + 7003
ileung 發表於 2011-1-8 18:37 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
seems that creek Evo2 is better than 7003 for vocal seems that creek Evo2 is better than 7003 for vocal
kkvirus 發表於 2011-1-8 23:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Creek should be better, to justify the price tag.. as I am a novice on A/V I selected PM7003's the AV bypass for my AV AMP and bi-wire for BX2..
anyway, nice amp and enjoy the music! {:6_193:} Creek should be better, to justify the price tag.. as I am a novice on A/V I selected PM7003's the ...
ileung 發表於 2011-1-8 23:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Ching, Biwire提升BX2表現幾多? not test the bi-wire function yet, but I will try after a few months
in fact I doubt if I can tell the difference {:6_203:} not test the bi-wire function yet, but I will try after a few months
in fact I doubt if I can tell...
ileung 發表於 2011-1-9 00:08 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
just happy listening la ching{:6_166:}
Source係好好好重要,通常一玩2聲道amp一定逃不過換部純cdp嘅命運! 恭喜ching. 呢部我都有留意. 不過我唔會被毒既. king sir 你都可以慳番d 口水喇. 哈哈. 恭喜ching. 呢部我都有留意. 不過我唔會被毒既. king sir 你都可以慳番d 口水喇. 哈哈. ...alfredmyc 發表於 2011-1-10 17:02 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif