calvin629 發表於 2011-1-7 18:47

Panasnoic TH-P42GT20H + Pioneer VSX-1020 入手!!!

Brothers who are interested can go to Tsing Yi AVlife....

TH-P42GT20H: $19280 (+ $680 including installation for unknown brand adjustable wall mount)
贈品:3D藍光影碟機DMP-BDT300, 2副3D眼鏡, 阿凡達3D藍光電影, 怪誕隨意門3D藍光電影, 冰河世紀3 3D藍光電影

VSX-1020: $4780

再 R 咗3條 Gearmaxx 2M 1.4 version highspeed HDMI cable (definitely not something expensive or high quality, but free, why not?)

Will be delivered next week....頸長中 {:1_332:}

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-7 19:11

Did some research before actual are the info...cheapest I found..

TH-P42V20H: Metroplaza Fortress $10,773

TH-P42GT20H: 環球(太子) $20,050 [送3D藍光影碟機DMP-BDT300, 2副3D眼鏡, 阿凡達3D藍光電影 + 2 other 3D藍光電影 + $1000 佢公司 cash coupon] (end up I purchased in Avlife, althought not the chepest, comparing with 環球, need to pay $270 more...but way more 放心 in my opinion)

Denon AVR-1911: 數碼坊 $4000 (Just saw this post.. you decide....)

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-7 19:25

Actually I was planning to buy Denon 1911, glad I had search this forum and end up choosing 1020 {:1_253:}

simon1519 發表於 2011-1-7 21:21

Panasnoic TH-P42GT20H + Pioneer VSX-1020 入手!!!

今日同個fd買剩tv 冇bd機$15500

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-7 21:52

本帖最後由 calvin629 於 2011-1-7 21:55 編輯

No bd...hmm....have 2x3D眼鏡, 阿凡達3D藍光電影 + 2 other 3D藍光電影??

Your friend will need to buy a 3D BD anyway...otherwise non-sense to buy a 3D TV....just my comment...

simon1519 發表於 2011-1-7 22:10

Panasnoic TH-P42GT20H + Pioneer VSX-1020 入手!!!

本帖最後由 simon1519 於 2011-1-7 22:11 編輯

No bd...hmm....have 2x3D眼鏡, 阿凡達3D藍光電影 + 2 other 3D藍光電影??

Your friend will need to buy a 3D BD anyway...otherwise non-sense to buy a 3D TV....just my comment...

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

stjo 發表於 2011-1-7 22:14

i ordered one 42gt20h on x'mas eve at pana shop. they said no stock but new stock is coming b4 jan 10. yet they called yesterday the shipment won't arrive till jan 25. are u sure your set will deliver next week?

simon1519 發表於 2011-1-7 22:38

i ordered one 42gt20h on x'mas eve at pana shop. they said no stock but new stock is coming b4 jan 1 ...
stjo 發表於 2011-1-7 22:14


hy358 發表於 2011-1-7 23:11

Panasnoic TH-P42GT20H + Pioneer VSX-1020 入手!!!

本帖最後由 hy358 於 2011-1-7 23:17 編輯

Congrat and Welcome to 1020!!!!

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

calvin629 發表於 2011-1-8 00:13


- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
simon1519 發表於 2011-1-7 22:10

    Good then!! Since his priority is video game
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