Ching..hv you check this out yet...I been Ah 2 coupel weeks ago and blur remember the retail px is estimate below 20K... 回復 1# googleli
我有想加Cary CDP比我1set Cary 前後級1套3件西裝....{:6_237:} 回復 24# wwwbrian
系咪搬左,沉日去唔見左{:6_180:} it should be inside of the may ask the staff to bring you around......{:1_340:} 回復 27# wwwbrian
系間舖唔見左{:6_192:} 今日見呢部303T Pro係$1750 *24喎
有無師兄試過Cary CDP-303T Pro呢部CD機?
本帖最後由 wash 於 2011-9-2 22:58 編輯最cheap嗰部CDP-1都要12xxx
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