攝影聚會 (02-Jan-2011)
CHings,Sorry for the late posting.
Thanks to all CHings' teaching and sharing especially
to the following CHings: Aidan,Type-R and Firework.
You are nice!!
REAC 我又上咗鏡{:1_260:} 我又上咗鏡
aidan 發表於 2011-1-3 23:34 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你想打人呀?哈哈! REAC Ching! your pictures are nice ah! Aidan!!!!Aidan!!!Aidan!!!你張相入面個動作似曾相識{:6_128:}, 莫非,莫非你就係傳說中既幪面超人
{:6_158:} {:6_158:} {:6_158:} 我又上咗鏡
aidan 發表於 2011-1-3 23:34 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
aidan兄.........{:6_174:} 我有器材但無技術又無時間! REAC 兄, 多謝你既出席 & 聽我地噴口水就真{:6_122:}
而家對手上部機了解多左, 係咪覺得攝影好有樂趣呢 !!! 回復 2# aidan
Aidan Ching 其實幾上鏡! 他是在半空中擺 post, 花火兄教我們用測光及快門的學問來影的.真係要多謝他們! (可惜我自己忘了換鏡頭!) 回復 8# Type-R
Type-R 兄, 當我問您我部機的光圈同shutter speed点set時, 是否很驚呀呢? {:1_262:}多謝您不介意地詳細講解,很多謝您!!{:1_259:}