rayzine 發表於 2011-1-3 22:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
貢可能我記錯左啦 , 因為冇用過BETAMAX
貢我諗你唯有一係買番部BETA帶GE錄影機 OR 比錢搵人幫你CONVERT D BETA帶去第D FORMAT 本帖最後由 rayzine 於 2011-1-3 23:56 編輯
貢可能我記錯左啦 , 因為冇用過BETAMAX
貢我諗你唯有一係買番部BETA帶GE錄影機 OR 比錢搵人幫你CONVERT D ...
bravo 發表於 2011-1-3 23:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thats OK! THX C-Hing help!
May be there is a adaptor for other kind of VHS family tape such as VHS-C
VHS-C is the compact VHS format introduced in 1982 and used primarily for consumer-grade compact camcorders. The format is based on the same videotape as is used in VHS, and can be played back in a standard VHS VCR with an adapter.