十仔死左,係 DD10,JL110 或mk同價位的選擇中大家會點選呢?
我套野係LX72+ 前中置Focus audio,後置係mirage nano ,睇戲睇演唱會一半半,大家認為選邊隻比較適合呢?聽過MK,不過整體印象麻麻,因為都係試聽全套mk+denon,d聲硬棒棒,聽得不太舒服,反而想聽mk十仔配其他機/喇叭的效果意見,威力登就聽過microv同cht系列,覺得micro v單元細,不夠震撼,而cht就聽過10吋的,只覺一舊舊底音出黎.
有冇dd10同jl110 用家比d意見呢?同埋而家呢2隻做緊咩價位,and邊到可以試真呢2隻好野呢? 建議你試下Velodyne 嘅 SPL-1000 或 DD-10, 體積小, 潛得深, 低音結實而訊變快,收得快而且乾淨!
如果你要量感大,就試丁MK, 不過佢體積大 Velodyne 好多,我覺得 Velodyne 啱香港家居環境多D !
MicroVee, CHT衹是初階貨色 ! Using DD-10 for almost one year, mainly for watching pop concerts.Performance has been excellent after running in !!But heard that the model has already been discontinued for some time. Using DD-10 for almost one year, mainly for watching pop concerts.Performance has been excellent after running in !!But heard that the model has already been discontinued for some time. http://www.svsound.com.hk/product/subwoofer/ JL110 喇. i have SVS PC13U and DD12 and did compare. PC13U has more bass volumn and down to 10hz.
if for sound i like SVS PC13U but size is huge. therfore i keep DD12. i listen to pop concerts and classical concerts more less movie.
十仔死左,係 DD10,JL110 或mk同價位的選擇中大家會點選呢?
Ching 其實有冇話筆值幾多呢,因為Cht 同 DD 及JL 個價差好遠喎,級數基本上差咗幾級。- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 Prefer DD and JL how about Sunfire EQ10???