paladin 發表於 2011-1-1 22:14


本帖最後由 paladin 於 2011-1-1 22:15 編輯

想請一下其實會唔會有D HDMI線係可以換頭架呢? 因為睡房以前裝修落既走地AV線喉管好似唔夠闊俾 HDMI線頭過咁! 好煩惱 {:6_125:}

Sun811 發表於 2011-1-1 23:55

Supra HF100 HDMI Met-Straight / Bent HDMI cable
The new cables feature a Supra innovation - removeable HDMI bodies, which have TWO basic functions:
1) When the HDMI body is removed, (via two small screws) it allows the cable to be passed through small conduits, which aids installations.
2) The HDMI body is available in TWO shapes - the straight version and the curved version - so the cable can be dressed at the back of the equipment, which then puts less stress on both the cable and the HDMI socket.

paladin 發表於 2011-1-2 00:16

Supra HF100 HDMI Met-Straight / Bent HDMI cable
The new cables feature a Supra innovation - removeab ...
Sun811 發表於 2011-1-1 23:55

    嘩, 唔該曬CHING, 唔知係邊可以買到同大概幾銀呢?

Sun811 發表於 2011-1-2 18:54

Cable Shop uk

paladin 發表於 2011-1-2 19:03

Cable Shop uk
Sun811 發表於 2011-1-2 18:54

    多謝CHING指教, 唔知香港有冇得買?

paladin 發表於 2011-1-3 13:43

各位ching會唔會知香港邊樹有得賣? 同大約幾錢呢?

paladin 發表於 2011-1-3 21:16

各位ching會唔會知香港邊樹有得賣? 同大約幾錢呢?
paladin 發表於 2011-1-3 13:43

    Re .........{:6_203:}

paladin 發表於 2011-1-4 20:45

Re ...................
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