Happy New Year 2011{:1_245:}Roksan係香港比較冷門, 師兄可能用Roksan唱盤多, 睇下有無超過十個用家 {:1_351:}
1. Caspian M1, Kandy K2 CDP, FR-5
3. 1. Caspian M1, Kandy K2 CDP, FR-5
2. Roksan K2 回復 2# doraemon18
師兄係 K2 CDP/ K2 Integrated amp{:1_342:} 回復 3# ANWKLO
just K2 amp...only using Marantz Cd5003 for now...thinking about upgrade to one suite Roksan CDP...any recommendation ??? to match Roksan K2 amp ???? I am using B&W 685 speakers... 回復 4# doraemon18
Roksan Kandy K2 CDP 聲音通透, 斯文淡定, 鬆容, 感覺好舒服, 好像一個驕嗲的少女在你臉前, 你怎麼會唔鍾意呢? Good Matching with Kandy K2 amp {:1_351:}
M1係唔係真係咁夠力水呢,因為水塘得20000uf??? 回復 6# HEIHEI
好唔好力水師兄聽過先知道, 我講幾多你都未必想信{:1_245:} 不過同我之前的馬仔PM8003比較, 雖然有兩個水塘共36000uf, 但是都沒有M1的控制力那麼好, 就算身Roksan Kandy K2 有120 watts/8 ohm500va牛, Roksan廠都話M1好過K2, 我比較過都明顯是M1好, 看完Roksan 的創辦人Touraj Majhaddan 的說法便明白, 另外以下是Roksan廠回復我的相關問題:
Dear xxxx,
All our amplifiers are designed as an 'entity' avoiding any obvious weak areas in the finished product. So to make a Hi End Roksan amplifier at entry level with 125W/ch output, the K2 for example, it would require at least a 500VA transformer and its corresponding rectifiers and smoothing capacitors etc.... An amplifier’s output and performance is directly related to the quality of its power supply and other circuitry. We cannot just increase one parameter without considering the ‘whole’. Consequently for a Hi End amplifier of exemplary performance, such as the Caspian, it has to have all the sections optimised to ensure it performs equally in all respects across its whole power spectrum with total control over the loudspeaker range that it is intended to be used with. Although there is less power, 85W/ch, the Caspian has lower output impedance even at higher frequencies (30kHz) and it can provide almost constant power from very low speaker impedance and from +60 to -60 degrees phase angle between current & voltage etc.... It will provide optimum performance up until the point where one of its protection features kick in (Thermal, Over current...). Until that point it controls the speaker in the same way and to the same extent. The K2 is one of the most capable amplifiers available but the Caspian is better!
Best Regards
Service Support
Roksan audio LTD: Jubilee Close, Townsend Lane, London, NW9 8XD Contact Details
Telephone:+44 (0) 0203 0313313, +44 (0)20 8900 6801/6802
Fax:+44 (0)20 82052644
1. Caspian M1, Kandy K2 CDP, FR-52. Roksan K2
3. Roksan K2 Amp
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