djaddy 發表於 2011-1-1 04:39

2010終極DIY - 雙十仔終於完成!

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2011-1-25 10:16 編輯


6 Jan:
這一對10寸的十仔尺寸可能是大, 重量也非常重, 但一d BOOMY 的感覺都沒有. 出來的低音出得準, 密度高和控制力強! 相比舊的十仔, 最大的區別是又深又沉的重低音. 例如, 在陳奕迅Duo Concert, 新的雙十仔令到重要位出到之前出吾到的下沉威力, 使現場感改善了很多. 在阿甘正傳裡面的戰爭場面非常震撼. 箱內加了蠟青明確的對"沉力"有幫助.

兩個十仔不是低音勁左, 而是低音均勻分佈左. 不會有之前低音不平衡情況出現.

23 Jan:
I tested the Incredible Hulk. I played the scene where Bruce jumped off the plane. BANG! There echoes of bass after he hit the ground which I never heard b4 from my previous sub-woofer. It was the first time that I experienced the aftershock (餘震) from this scene. The bass was deep, very accurate and great control with 壓迫感. 有分析力的底頻! Damn, great!


On 31 Dec, 2010 at 11:40pm, my beloved sub-woofer twins were born!

This DIY project has been going on forever! The enclosure maker delayed finishing the products by a month; the Chinese customs kept my sub-woofers for 2 months; the transformers of the power amps were too big & couldn't fit into the enclosures; the tubes provided by the enclosure maker were not the right size... Hell, it has been a nightmare! It really tested my creativity to finish these sub-woofers!

Previous post:



Alman 發表於 2011-1-1 04:53


Brother Djaddy, congratulations! How long have you spent on your project?

Haven't seen you on the other site for a while.Remember your giving me advise on not using 鋼沙 that would lead to magnetization last time? I think that is really valid.

Can you tell me more about your 單晶銅 speaker cables? Cos I want to diy a pair.Thx.

djaddy 發表於 2011-1-1 04:55

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2011-1-1 05:06 編輯

the transformers of the power amps were too big & couldn't fit into the enclosures... The damn dimensions of the power amp plate from Taobao was wrong! The transformers were too bloody big! Couldn't fit into the enclosure!

I tried so many methods... I took off the transformer from the original position and mounted oat 180 degrees on the plate... but it became too long & couldn't fit into the box... as seen in the 4th pic below. Finally, I experimented and found a way to fit the damn transformer into the box!

djaddy 發表於 2011-1-1 05:10

The original tubes (in black) provided from the enclosure maker were at a wrong dimension... I had to use water pipes and customize a wooden ring at the front in order to get what the sub-woofer needed...

djaddy 發表於 2011-1-1 05:20


Brother Djaddy, congratulations! How long have you spent on your project?

Haven't seen you on ...
Alman 發表於 2011-1-1 04:53

Long time no see, ching! Happy 2011! I started planning for this since April, 2010... it cost me blood, sweat and tears!

djaddy 發表於 2011-1-1 05:26

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2011-1-1 08:37 編輯

These sub-woofers weigh 90 lbs each!

The enclosure is made from solid wood; driver is 30 lbs; not to mention the weight of the power amp!

rinko 發表於 2011-1-1 09:40

E隻惠威10吋十仔低音聲音好實.加左隻550W AMP 都唔使開到好大聲.開到九點鍾已經好秋得.正{:1_351:}

cat35a 發表於 2011-1-1 09:57

{:1_338:}wow very pro ar. U can make and sell to us la

tanglapyan 發表於 2011-1-1 11:47


leung0709 發表於 2011-1-1 12:03

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