josephm 發表於 2011-1-17 16:26

HD500B-TH 可用嗎?Thanks!!

wllee 發表於 2011-1-17 17:04

回復 11# josephm

Do you mean the DIY version??

hearter 發表於 2011-1-17 17:18

回復 12# wllee

    modified version submitted by other "non-himedia" ppl ... including like BT function, more tv channels, etc.. BTW for the update, please be care and follow the EXACT instructions as given by the forum ....use retore button instead of going into manual setting and press system reinstall....or you'll like me "brick" the HD 300b.... and never be able to show anything after the logo when switched on. {:6_161:} {:6_161:} {:6_161:} {:6_161:}

taxman123 發表於 2011-1-17 20:34

2)顶住左侧的RESTORE 小孔内的按键,再上电开机
3)上电5秒后松开(按更长时间没有关系), 大于10~15s看到升级画面

man234 發表於 2011-1-19 18:32

回復 10# cookiemon

    Ching, but most pps file are not support, isn't it?

cookiemon 發表於 2011-1-19 20:24

回覆 15# man234

I think PPS block the IP address from Hong Kong and China with HD300A
I am using it in AUS.
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: Media Player: Himedia HD300/500 系列新版固件更新 (31.12.2010)

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