乜楊千嬅夠氣咩…重話巡迴{:1_343:} 乜楊千嬅夠氣咩…重話巡迴㖭
fuman0123 發表於 2010-12-30 07:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
佢仲要做人仔, 我諗巡迴係幫佢練埋氣....:> 回復 13# Hon
呼..吸...呼...吸....生仔練氣.....{:6_174:} 其實我諗緊入唔入好,DVD有無師兄入左?掂唔掂??
stm 發表於 2010-12-28 01:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
my lord has borrowed a dvd, tried last evening
but the sound recording is...{:5_83:} 楊千榫巡迴?! so......is this rubbish? compare with ALAN TAM 2010? She sang Wonder girls' song Nobody. I want to kill her.
有無ching入左?好唔好睇同埋好唔好聽呢?因為睇到聽應該分開 我諗好唔好聽應該係好個人既.bd質素上好唔好睇呢下緊要d.