How much for Canton 120MX
As title.Want to buy a set for my sleeping room. How much for this and where can buy?
What the different between 60CX and 120MX.Is 120MX subwoofer is better than 60CX.
THX CHings 前日在 MK 花園大廈4樓見過約$27xx(唔知有冇睇錯){:6_136:} 前日在 MK 花園大廈4樓見過約$27xx(唔知有冇睇錯)
chrisfd7695 發表於 2010-12-30 14:39
THX C-Hing....
a bit expensive than I think... as I see some C-Hing said it is around 2,300-2,500 couple months ago...