trution 發表於 2010-12-29 16:49

Which European Brand is more reliable?

本帖最後由 trution 於 2010-12-29 16:52 編輯

I own a VW right now.... but I am thinking about changing to another European car (perhaps want to try another brand) in a year or so. Yes, there are a quite few things that I fixed (eg windows rail, the lock X 2, the wheel bearings of one real wheel and the 4 shock absorbers) but the car is still quite solid after a few years.

I like the solidity and driving feel of European cars..... so I will not consider changing to a Japanese one even if they are more reliable.

Among the top European brands in HK, which ones are more reliable? Can C-hings (of Benz, BMW, Audi, Alfa, Mini, Volvo etc) share their repair experience with us here?

ghostkam 發表於 2010-12-29 17:35

本帖最後由 ghostkam 於 2010-12-29 17:37 編輯

我用平治新C仔(W204),行咗三年多,只係新車落地半年到一隻門喇叭無聲返廠整過,其他無特別野要整。我每半年返去check車,覺得仁孚服務都ok,不過條件係你肯花錢(仁孚啲maintenance package要幾皮野一年)
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