如果前置+subwoofer 來睇戲, 去到一定的低頻時會係subwoofer出, (咁對前置未永遠都煲唔到低音部份?) me too X 2 用煲機碟黎煲前置咪得啦!{:6_238:} 又或者得閒用前置黎聽歌囉…!將立體聲…聽歌時設定返大喇叭! Yes, there are many CD with exceptional low bass music (actually there are not music, just some low bass sound) to run-in the bass part of the speakers. Another way, is to connect amp to TV such that your speakers can output all TV sounds which have the most range of frequency. how about front floor stand "bass" + subwoofer in the same time? 用pure direct聽歌應該會cut左十仔...