海盜 發表於 2010-12-29 22:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
係. My LOST is lost.
The estimated delivary date is 15 Dec.
I am still waiting for it.
hoi 發表於 2010-12-29 22:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
The estimated delivary date for my "LOST" is 14 Dec.
I still don't get it too.
回复: 問: 在amazon.com訂碟收唔到的處理方法?
You can send email to them about the delay and amazon will refund the shipping cost to you and ask u to wait unit mid Jan.发送自我的 Milestone 大板凳 我有兩個Order
Order 1: "Lost" Estimate Delivery 14-Dec
Order 2: "Mad Men" Estimate Delivery 21-Dec
套"Mad Men", 我剛剛到手
但套"Lost", 仲係Lost..........
./_\. 本帖最後由 chris1219 於 2010-12-31 19:34 編輯
我覺得係 i-parcel 呢個 carrier 有問題... 我有個 Amazon US 嘅 shipment 11月30日ship左,而家都未到 (佢已經退返shipping fees畀我)。奇怪係我有另一個 shipment 12月10日先 shipped (唔經 i-parcel),但晨早就到左。其實以我嘅經驗,Amazon US 通常都幾快,最快試過7日,最多都係14日,未試過好似今次咁遲。:(
P.S.: 我係去呢個網頁聯絡 Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/contact-us/general-questions.html?ie=UTF8&browse_node_id=508510 已經3個星期,我隻Blu-ray 到今日都未收到,{:6_203:}
amazon.fr 未試過咁耐 回復 24# 風見志郎
I also ordered Lost: The Complete Collection , but still have not recived {:6_199:} 回復風見志郎
I also ordered Lost: The Complete Collection , but still have not recived {:6_ ...
wwhcfy 發表於 2010-12-31 21:27 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
睇來真係好多人套"Lost"都未到, 仲Lost緊~~~hahahaha~~~