1.) 想請教下大家 TVB 幾年前有套 "吾湯吾水" 以至近期 "中華福地" 經常有首中配樂究竟首曲叫咩名?2.) 港劇 "建築有情天" 內有首英文歌叫 NO MATTER 主唱者叫 Angle, 但呢首歌究竟有無出過 CD ?
原來網上好多人都搵緊呢2首歌, 尤其 item 2, 請幫忙 "建築有情天" 內有首英文歌叫 NO MATTER 主唱者叫 Angle, 好似係某隻英文雜錦碟見過. Dear Man641,
Which 英文雜錦碟? Ching, the song "No matter" is composed by TxB staff (配樂組) and sung by an amateur singer named Angel, never released.Someone wrote to TxB to request for this song years ago but TxB replied they have no plan to release it.In the web you can find some incomplete versions which are actually extracted from TV/DVD. 係咩 ~ TVB 有無咁既人材呀.....不過都多謝師兄告知 akira11092 hing, 如行開CD Shop會幫你留意吓 {:6_229:} 多謝 man641 師兄先
唔知有無其他師兄知道 item 1 首中配樂係咩碟度搵得到呢 ?
Thanks again