Onkyo 5508 vs Onkyo 5008
我見Onkyo 5008 個specification 同5508,好似無乜分別,點解5508小o左power amp function 反而仲貴過5008?? {:6_141:} 不樓都係分開買貴d ga la haha , 5508 is pre-amp while 5008 is av amp the number of Power Supplier is the same for 5508 and 5008, it's 3.However, 5508 has all XLR output, 5008 doesn't have, so the circuit is different. 有無師兄比較過,5008 同 5508 + 5500,係咪兩個唔同level? 我有部土炮marantz 7 同 marantz 9, 但又想upgrade部AV Amp 睇戲同做HDMI switching,而家用緊陳年Onkyo 50x. 5508又用唔著XLR,咁係咪應該買5008仲有著數? 因為 ON 記代理要賺多d, 在日本 5008 定價係比 5508 貴.... 爛玩當然要AV前級, 否則一定心思思{:6_187:} 爛玩當然要AV前級, 否則一定心思思
七彩小生 發表於 2010-12-28 08:29 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif