wil-wil 發表於 2008-10-1 12:46


http://usa.denon.com/Category.aspx?CategoryId=1 (AVR-3808CI)
http://usa.denon.com/Category.aspx?CategoryId=9 (AVR-4308CI)

(AVR-3808, AVR-4308, AVC-A1HD and AVP-A1HD)

1. Hands-Free Listening - Audyssey Dynamic Volume
   The first ever implementation of this technology which constantly monitors and adjusts the relative volume level to ensure that
   there are no large jumps or dips in volume, such as during commercial interruptions on TV.

2. Audyssey Dynamic EQ
   Analyzes and corrects deteriorating sound quality as volume is decreased by taking into account human perception and room acoustics and
   preserves the original rich sound of your favorite music at all playback volume levels.

3. Expand your Digital Media Connectivity! Rhapsody
   Connect to this digital music service that lets you listen to whatever you want, wherever you are — without paying per track
   (subscription required, ONE month free.)

4. Sirius Satellite Radio Ready
   Connect the optional Sirius Home Connect satellite radio tuner and enjoy hundreds of crystal-clear digital audio radio stations (subscription required.)

5. More Control Options! - HDMI Protocol-CEC
   Provides the consumer the ability to use a television remote control to support basic commands for multiple devices.

mankoo米高 發表於 2008-10-21 18:54

今晚幾大都要試吓 ! (Denon AVR3808/4308 Firmware 1.97 Update)Smilies024

wil-wil 發表於 2008-10-21 20:30

我升級 1.97 時 hang 左一次,
再開機 re-load 佢,
之後顯視需時由 63 分鐘變到 60 分鐘!

原帖由 mankoo 於 2008-10-21 18:54 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
今晚幾大都要試吓 ! (Denon AVR3808/4308 Firmware 1.97 Update)Smilies024

mankoo米高 發表於 2008-10-22 01:22

v1.97 update 正在進行中 Smilies005



[ 本帖最後由 mankoo 於 2008-10-22 01:52 編輯 ]

wil-wil 發表於 2008-10-22 02:15

我 up 左,但未試機!

原帖由 mankoo 於 2008-10-22 01:22 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
v1.97 update 正在進行中 Smilies005



mankoo米高 發表於 2008-10-22 03:06

原帖由 wil-wil 於 2008-10-22 02:15 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我 up 左,但未試機!


:L (wil,係咪又係心理作用呀...?)

wil-wil 發表於 2008-10-22 03:11

唔咁答你住 ... 今次未 check!

不過每 upgrade 左兩、三次,
最紅都行下 Audyssey Auto Speaker setup 會好些。
我試過 d 聲係靚左,應該唔係心理作用!

原帖由 mankoo 於 2008-10-22 03:06 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


:L (wil,係咪又係心理作用呀...?)

mankoo米高 發表於 2008-10-22 20:54

原帖由 wil-wil 於 2008-10-22 03:11 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔咁答你住 ... 今次未 check!

不過每 upgrade 左兩、三次,
最紅都行下 Audyssey Auto Speaker setup 會好些。
我試過 d 聲係靚左,應該唔係心理作用!

wil,你係咪每次 update 完之後都會用自動音場 set 過哂 ?Smilies009

wil-wil 發表於 2008-10-22 21:28

如果 d bug 或其它修定唔關音源問題就兩三次升級後就搞一次 Audyssey Auto Speaker setup ,
上次 upgrade 完無為意點解Audyssey EQ 無晒,
所以升左級後搞一搞 setup 就出返黎,我估上次升級 d 資料亂左掛!

每次搞完 Audyssey Auto Speaker setup 都會 mark 低 d 數據比較下,
今次出黎既 Channel Level 都唔同晒,同 V1.95 時差好遠 ... (呢次係升級後第二次出現較大差別)
咁我記得呢次資料後即時做多次 setup 及比對,係升級 V1.97 後兩次都差唔多。

原帖由 mankoo 於 2008-10-22 20:54 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

wil,你係咪每次 update 完之後都會用自動音場 set 過哂 ?Smilies009

mankoo米高 發表於 2008-10-23 01:49

wil,今晚重新用自動音場 set 過,但發覺數據同之前都好唔同,用碟再試都硬係覺得啲聲好似比平時細咗同無咁勁...Smilies027



當場無哂心情再試,唯有明天再 set 過希望有改善吧 !
頁: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 11
查看完整版本: AV Amp: Denon AVR3808/4308 Firmware 1.97 Update Information (Oct 20, 2008)

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