Arne Domnius - Live is Life (cd)
BW朱老闆係音響雜誌推薦真係幾正,鍾意JAZZ真係唔好走寶{:6_138:}1. Flying home
2. Billy boy
3. Take the A-train
4. Lush life
5. Prelude to a kiss
6. Things ain't what they used to be
7. Dream dancing
8. The midnight sun will never set
9. Harry who
10. Lotus Blossom
11. Drum boogie
12. Poor butterfly
13. Memories of you
14. Secret love 佢隻 Jazz at the Pawnshop 而家仲有出新版{:6_193:} 回復 1# pineapple2007
師兄呢隻你有冇買 ?貴唔貴 ? Jazz at the pawn shop 果時已經好鍾意佢地,不過個人感覺1係最好
(OT: 我同你D口味都幾似.....) 回復pineapple2007
師兄呢隻你有冇買 ?貴唔貴 ? Jazz at the pawn shop 果時已經好鍾意佢地,不過個人 ...
acma 發表於 2010-12-17 08:57