starbear 發表於 2010-12-15 11:26

Westone 4

本帖最後由 starbear 於 2011-1-27 13:32 編輯

Announcing The Next Level: The Worldʼs First Four Driver Universal Fit Earphone

Announcing the Worldʼs First Four Driver Universal Fit Earphone: Westone 4

The Next Level: Quad-Driver Design & Incredible Comfort for Active Lifestyles

Today, Westone Laboratories, Inc. introduces the worldʼs first universal fit earphone with four balanced armature driver earphone designed specifically for the serious audiophile and music enthusiast.

Keeping everything we love of the Westone Series, the quad-driver Westone 4 earphone will take your listening experience to an entirely different level. Four balanced armature drivers and a three-way crossover network deliver breathtaking clarity and realism. Just as important, we were sure to keep our highest standards of ergonomics and comfort only found in the industry with Westone’s True-Fit technology.The dual bass, single mid and single high frequency driver system is the most dynamic sound available in a universal fit earphone.

mingming28 發表於 2010-12-15 13:04

唔知咩價位,之前入左隻w3都好滿意,隻w4 應該會更上一層樓

kalok6 發表於 2010-12-15 13:08


lskthomas 發表於 2010-12-15 13:57

我都用緊w3, 已經覺得好正...

googleli 發表於 2010-12-15 14:02

我諗我都會試下 {:6_193:}

starbear 發表於 2011-1-24 17:16

出啦, 2011年1月28翻貨. 價錢$#%((

nightscrawler 發表於 2011-1-25 16:59

我用緊UM3X都覺得好正, 現在又有四單元耳機...{:1_352:}

史提芬周 發表於 2011-1-26 01:16


googleli 發表於 2011-1-27 00:16

ER4P 是最少味精的一隻, 其他兩三單元都各自有比ER4P好的部份, 但整體來說還是ER4P最平均, 直到CK100, 才真正覺得ER4P被完全超越了, 跟著去到Custom之後, 才發現又是另一個境界. 而過去兩年出的頂級custom音質已經和現在頂級Headphone音質可比.
頁: [1]
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