本人嘅擴音機係馬仔5005,blu-ray機用菲仔7500,最近睇左隻只有dolby hd lpcm5.1輸出嘅碟,但係唔知點解部擴音機只係顯示multi ch而唔係dolby hd,希望師兄們指教 did you choose lpcm or dolby hd ? 回復 2# rictsang隻碟只得lpcm hd比我揀咋 回復 3# PCKk
Oh, then it is normal to show multi channel in as there is no dolby hd codes or dts ma codes, it is ok. If you still have problems, try another disc with dts ma or so. 正確,LPCM 無壓縮解碼,當然會顯示 Multi-Channels 直出(Amp 吾使做音頻 Decoding)! 回復 5# lippito