{:6_201:} 本身用C17﹠A18。。。但想加後級{:6_210:}用返同廠好定其它好呢{:6_229:}
請各C兄指教 very good, i am using, i want to buy one more P38 to play mono block 用a18+p38ok嗎{:6_229:} of course OK!, much more power and better definition. how much for a P38? I also want to buy one more 999.9英{:6_203:}。。香港都唔知邊到有{:6_203:}.先上來問下C兄呢{:6_188:} Yuen Long and Hung Hom also have, should be less than HK$!),))) 邊到呀{:6_203:} C兄在下英文不是太好sorry{:6_216:}