A Simple AV system
Hi Everybody !!I'm a beginner of AV playing!! I would like to share my AV system to all!!
Welcome every brother give comment on my system!!!
AV AMP : pioneer SC LX73
front :Focal 816V
front height : Audio Pro image 11
centre : Audio pro image 21
rear : energy RVSS
SW : M&K KX12
TV : 50" pansonic plasma V10H
BD : ps 3 slim 320G & pansonic BD45
photo Show as below:
師兄開始得幾好...jmlab 係好野黎架...慢慢玩啦....唔好咁心急...太心急就冇佐upgrade 既樂趣 Hi Everybody !!
I'm a beginner of AV playing!! I would like to share my AV system to all!!
kakamoming 發表於 2010-12-10 20:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
CHING,請問呢對前置係屬於咩類型呢? 屬於d分析力高,清爽d不過我都系初玩,喇叭都未煲好!未敢有確實的評价 師兄,左邊個front high 有冇計掛係走廊頂幅牆呀.
而家個位好似入得濟. 最好front high個闊度係闊過
其他野都好正喎. 屬於d分析力高,清爽d不過我都系初玩,喇叭都未煲好!未敢有確實的評价
kakamoming 發表於 2010-12-10 21:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
低音勁唔勁呢?{:1_258:} 師兄,左邊個front high 有冇計掛係走廊頂幅牆呀.
而家個位好似入得濟. 最好front high個闊度係闊過
前置或 ...
ricoy288 發表於 2010-12-10 21:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Or mount it on the other side of the cupboard la. It would be perfect and balance with the right hand side one as well. 又FOCAL又M&K又50寸!一D都唔SIMPLE! {:1_331:} 中置唔轉埋jmlab cc800v? the bass of the front is quite good O!!!
when i play the 2 010 AV show CD the first song, U can feel the bass !!! quite goo O!!