台版 [ 潛行空間 ] INCEPTION Metal Case ( 實物圖 )
反傳統....不入Steelbook....改入台灣版喼神......有中字BD 同中字 DVD {:6_175:}冇喼‧神 點入夢呀..... {:6_151:}{:6_152:} 本帖最後由 kkchau 於 2010-12-9 17:18 編輯
睇來B碟係歐台共版咁隻歐版B碟咪都有中字幕? 俾我唔捨得拆{:6_143:} Very nice. Ching, how much and where to buy ar ? WHERE TO BUY~????????????????????????????????????????{:1_255:} 恭喜龍兄,Good Choice{:1_351:} Is it real Taiwan version???{:1_336:} Taiwan version's BD cover is not "全面啟動" ma????{:1_336:}{:1_336:}{:1_336:} Is it real Taiwan version??? Taiwan version's BD cover is not "全面啟動" ma????{:1 ...
spectacular64 發表於 2010-12-9 18:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
明顯係台灣代理同英國華納入批英版公事包跟住換隻繁中版碟落去就出貨啦 Mmmm.....and i dun think 台灣版 have none chinese-words in package....{:1_336:}{:1_336:} PROOF: That's real TW version~~~--->http://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=60200&snA=8036&tnum=1