kkvirus 發表於 2010-12-9 14:26


數字網見到, 好似好有道理{:6_229:}
鬼老網友(高級線廠 Engineer) 覆我的私人Email, 有興趣睇睇:

I will do my best to help you avoid making mistakes that will cost you a lot of money. I will tell you the truth about the engineering involved in your equipment.

Your speakers are relatively high impedance. Therefore, they do not use very much current. This means that you do not need large speaker cable.

Most of what salesmen will tell you about speaker cables is designed to trick you into buying expensive cable. The fact is that speaker cable has very little effect on the sound you hear. There are far more important things to spend money on to improve the quality of your sound -- like loudspeakers.

For your current loudspeakers, I would use heavy-duty lamp cord for speaker cables. This is very inexpensive and will work just fine. There is no need to waste your money on expensive cables.

Hi-Fi salesmen are in it to make money. They are not engineers. Some may be sincere in repeating myths about audio that they have heard from others. But you simply should not trust anything that salesmen tell you because either they don't know the engineering or they are just telling you whatever they can to get your money.

Turning to the technical details of cables, understand that the only requirement of a speaker cable is that it conduct sufficient electricity to operate the speaker. Lamp cord will do this quite well.

So you might ask, "If lamp cord is okay, then why do manufacturers sell expensive speaker cable?" It is all about making money. There are huge profits to be made selling cable.

But to sell a cable that costs thousands of dollars more than lamp cord, the cable manufacturer has to convince you that his cable is worth the cost. He does so by claiming that it "sounds better."

So cable manufacturers must do something to make their cables sound different than lamp cord. What they do is design their cables so that they have high capacitance or high inductance, or both.

Inductance and/or capacitance will interact with the passive crossovers used in most speakers to change the frequency response of the speaker. This may make it sound a little different than lamp cord.

Listeners may find the change in sound to be better or worse than lamp cord. But the manufacturer will point out that the sound is "better" and gullible audiophiles will buy the expensive cable.

Personally, I prefer cable that does not change the sound of my speakers. So I use coaxial cables that have low values of both capacitance and inductance. Lamp cord has moderately high inductance, so while it works fine for most speakers, I prefer coaxial cable.:naughty

amstard 發表於 2010-12-9 14:52

咸魚青菜, 各有所好~ 不過COAXIAL做喇叭線真係未試過
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