請問各位C hing 邊度有PS3 GT5 boxset 賣呀?
買唔到.....冇得玩呀......{:6_187:} 你要買藍色機? 點解一定要買 BOXSET 上星期我仲見到信和下層好多盒喎......唔知係咪得個盒裝假狗...haha I think there should be many in MK...if you are looking for the HK$28XX set with blue colour PS3. 樓主, 市面仲有好多wor~ 本帖最後由 babuwa 於 2010-12-8 19:40 編輯188 have US version with NISSAN GTR car model.{:6_166:}{:6_166:}
but $ (%){:6_180:}{:6_180:}
For HK version boxset, Ching may be can buy from TaoBao.{:6_175:} {:6_175:} 大把啦,今日去WC188都仲有,公價$@**)添! mk sony $2999 haha thx各位 ching ,我去188試下,我想買boxset 因為買機好多都要買多隻game先得,不好買gt5 boxset 之麻