r32 發表於 2010-12-7 22:53

The sound of music BR





Redison 發表於 2010-12-7 23:48

回復 1# r32

我見 blu ray .com d人差不多個個俾足 video + audio 滿分

kevin_leung 發表於 2010-12-8 00:04


r32 發表於 2010-12-8 00:10

kevin_leung 發表於 2010-12-8 00:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gifNo Chinese substitle.

Redison 發表於 2010-12-8 00:14

回復 1# r32

冇法 我阿媽好鍾意呢套戲 一定要買有中字
同埋 disc 2 咁精彩 不可劃缺 所以港版單碟不作考慮
真要大叫一聲 oh my goodness

tak 發表於 2010-12-8 00:47

dvd 是什麼內容??

adamkong 發表於 2010-12-8 09:05

回復 5# Redison


kennethc2k 發表於 2010-12-8 09:51

回复: The sound of music BR


发送自我的 Nexus One 大板凳

ADA 發表於 2010-12-8 10:19

睇完這份review, 已經打算即入.
"After years and years and years of watching The Sound of Music on VHS and DVD, I thought I knew every blade of grass and every gust of wind visible in the movie. How wrong I was! You don't realize how much picture is lost with standard 480p releases until a monumental blu ray transfer like this comes along and provides a home viewing experience that literally feels like seeing the movie for the first time.

As far as I'm concerned, this is the best blu ray I own - and not just because The Sound of Music is probably the greatest movie ever made, but because the picture quality is truly that beautiful. And that makes sense, considering the movie was filmed in 70mm and could contain so much more data than ordinary 35mm. Also, from what I understand, the restoration process was taken extremely seriously and done with the highest technology possible. There's a reason why so many artists are pushing blu ray, and it's because for the first time people can experience their creativity and attention to detail, as it was meant to be seen. There is SO much detail in this movie. Seriously, if you loved this movie before you will have your mouth dropped open the entire time you sit through it in high definition."

And the Audio quality! I didn't even know it was possible to make ancient audio files sound brand new, but it clearly is. Every song sounds 1000000x better than my old CD soundtracks. Add in surround sound... heavenly.

OVERALL: I don't care how many VHS or DVD copies you have of this movie sitting around, you NEED this blu ray. It's not just a restoration, it's a transformation. You cannot have truly experienced The Sound of Music at home until seeing it in 1080p. Not to mention it's cram packed with amazing extras that are actually watchable. In case you can't tell, this BD just makes me so happy. If you appreciate the movie (or bless you, never seen it before) you MUST experience it on BD!

ADA 發表於 2010-12-8 12:34


冇法 我阿媽好鍾意呢套戲 一定要買有中字
同埋 disc 2 咁精彩 不可劃缺 所以 ...
Redison 發表於 2010-12-8 00:14 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif大陸叫"音樂之聲"! 真係好字面呀!
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