Marantz SR7005 報告
Ching 們有無用sr7005, 因為web site 好多報告都唔知道是否真實, 好想看ching們意見, 最主要知道改進部份
Marantz SR7005 報告
yes, I want to know too. i am a newbie in AV. Just have a little to share. I did try a A B test with onkyo 708, 808 and 7005. my friends who are new to AV, when they listen 708 with Q300 and velodyne 8Q, they are satisfy with the performance very much. they plan to use 2.1 for the music. ok then I ask to change to 808. the performance is gd but which is not a large improve music. Then I try to use 7005 with Q300 only, coz I plan to buy 7005 so wanna listen the performance first. when the music come out from 300, my friends change their face we are impressed. 好有音樂感,compare to 808, the music abit 平,比較濛. 7005 較立體,較厚實,但高音同人聲非常悦耳,係一種聽好耐耳仔都唔會疲倦嘅聲。 到movie, I am satisfy with the performance, the surround is gd, but the base is not very 勁。just a personal comment and feelings
最後,my friends upgrade jor! from 708 --> SR7005. 佢話我毒親佢!and I wait for my new home ready and buy 7005 also!
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I read some web site report about SR7005. They mentioned that SR7005 has been improved in bass peformance but not only musical as before. I have used onkyo with THX certification and sure that the bass is powerful. However, the amp is really really hot. Coming back to SR7005, I am really attracted by its appearance and its brand in pure Hifi. I have no idea about its AV amp since I have not tried it before.
Anyway I thank your help for information. one point I remind that SR7005 has no THX or air studio certification by third parties.Therefore, I am sure that movie performance is gaurantee or not. But the price is cheaper and attractive comparing the other in same grade. These are only my own opinion. If these were not your cup of tea, pls forget it.{:6_211:}