ANWKLO 發表於 2010-12-6 18:12


ching你個朋友想聽歌好d,加int amp一定比加power amp好(int amp與power amp同價相比) ...
ericlpt 發表於 2010-12-6 02:16

佢有主見, 等佢考慮下啦 {:1_331:}

Monogram 發表於 2010-12-21 18:09

C-hing can think about the Roksan Kandy KII. It is about $10000 or less. Please check the review as follows.

ANWKLO 發表於 2010-12-21 19:08

C-hing can think about the Roksan Kandy KII. It is about $10000 or less. Please check the review as...
Monogram 發表於 2010-12-21 18:09

Beginner 發表於 2010-12-22 00:02

對!而且好多時數字唔代表乜野,av amp好多時都200w,但50w int.amp已比佢大力 ...
kan 發表於 2010-12-4 15:07

    是啊!有Ching教用重量/火數就知點解int amp會好D{:1_264:}

zairen 發表於 2010-12-25 17:39

要聽歌, 就一定係買int. amp 比power amp 好 x 3

trution 發表於 2010-12-27 14:28

本帖最後由 trution 於 2010-12-27 14:31 編輯

Let me share my similar experience. I used to use Marantz SR8xxx AV center. Then I thought I wanted to listen to music more, I also bought a set of Musical Fidelity Pre + power amp. I only wanted to buy the power amp at that time to give more power to the Marantz (clearly not enough). And yes, I had more bass and control after connecting the power amp and I was happy.

(I also bought the matching preamp only because I didnt want it sold out later and be regretful). For over 1 year, I didnt even connect it and left it in the box.One day, I was curious what it would sound like and connected it. What a big difference! It was like everything was improved! Soundstage, imaging, clarity, resolution....... and now I took away the Marantz completely.

The preamp affects the sound a lot and the AV centres usually arent good in this. So, I support those C-Hings about buying the integrated amp first (must have Preamp in connection) to have good sound for both movies and music.

babuwa 發表於 2010-12-27 16:31

sure buy 馬仔 Int. amp la!! {:6_174:}{:6_174:}

ANWKLO 發表於 2010-12-27 17:49

回復 37# trution

合併的前級好過av amp的前級{:1_245:}

kwchow08 發表於 2010-12-27 18:07

買 integrated 還是 power amp

加power amp係只會對睇戲有幫助,但加int. Amp就對聽歌和睇戲都有好處,因為前級交比int. Amp 造一定好過AV Amp,而張前置 pre-out去bit. Amp.之後,中後置表現都會有改善。我現在都係這樣。

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