where can buy gotham 11001 rca to rca ?
where can buy gotham 11001rca to rca ?super thx MK 鴻光商場 1/F X氏電子!{:6_190:} But I don't know diy, Can I buy finish product ? 這裡有成品, 我之前買$480
http://labkable.com/products/Gotham-%252d-11001%E8%A8%8A%E8%99%9F%E7%B7%9A-%28G4%29.html 回復 4# gkfp
6ft for $480? 本帖最後由 gkfp 於 2010-12-2 01:20 編輯
回復 5# dougsof
兩條5呎, 佢話已經煲埋. 回復 6# gkfp
sorr ching i have to ask one stupid question
2 x 5ft does it mean one pair or two pair?
and what do you think abt the cable?
i m looking for RCA from BDP to Int AMp...
回复: where can buy gotham 11001 rca to rca ?
呢條線我都用過,感覺清爽平衡,係1k下最佳之選之一回復 6# gkfp
sorr ching i have to ask one stupid question
2 x 5ft does it mean one pair or two pair?
and what do you think abt the cable?
i m looking for RCA from BDP to Int AMp...
发送自我的 Nexus One 大板凳 回復dougsof
兩條5呎, 佢話已經煲埋.
gkfp 發表於 2010-12-2 01:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
價錢又ok wor 回復 7# dougsof
是一對價錢, 即兩條, 效果我想其他Ching俾意見, 因我對是木耳.
你BDP->AMP是聽音樂嗎, 這條是analog唔係digital線喎.