bbaba 發表於 2011-4-18 19:50

Pay no attention to these annual new BD players with very little upgrades and improvements, a good ...
76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-18 19:28

Why you want to go for 93? Are there any different between 83 and 93?

76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-18 20:34

Why you want to go for 93? Are there any different between 83 and 93?
bbaba 發表於 2011-4-18 19:50

The main differences are 3D, dual HDMI, NTFS support and better DLNA streaming. 93 can play BDMV as well, look here:

In terms of pure picture/audio quality, they should be very close.

Another reason to choose the newer player is firmware support. Even though OPPO has one of the best firmware support out there, the newer player would likely get more and better updates.

Finally, the price difference is only about HK$300, so it is a no brainer for me.

bbaba 發表於 2011-4-18 22:23

回復 52# 76-Ryu

I saw many 93 selling in review3. They all go for 95 wor. You batter go for 95 directly.

76-Ryu 發表於 2011-4-19 01:23

本帖最後由 76-Ryu 於 2011-4-19 01:25 編輯


I saw many 93 selling in review3. They all go for 95 wor. You batter go for 95 dire ...
bbaba 發表於 2011-4-18 22:23

I don't worry about what other c-hings do. Some people go through AV gears like toys. OTOH, I prefer to do my research before buying and hold on to my gears longer.

Both are pretty much identical for video and while 95 would sound better for music, I think 93 would sound fine for my needs. I also already have a wireless CAS system in place for my music needs.

ploneer 發表於 2011-4-30 01:49


P@$$W0RD 發表於 2011-4-30 23:04

2-3k, 現有 9500 及 ps3 為 bdp

Yipsum 發表於 2011-5-27 11:52

2-3k, 可進可退

狐滴hp2210 發表於 2011-5-27 17:26

中檔貸可以 , 好多貴機最大分別係analog果part.
我寧願張果d差價,買部cd機 .

tom@@123 發表於 2011-5-28 03:24

3-5K.. ..可接受.. ..{:6_143:}

4pk 發表於 2011-5-28 22:14

回復 54# 76-Ryu

    good thinking{:6_193:} ....不過出XLR每邊各1粒chip好似系分別渦{:6_141:}
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查看完整版本: 你會用幾多budget買藍光播放機? 為甚麼?

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