haha161 發表於 2010-11-26 08:25

BD Player: BDP-05/51FD firmware upgrade 1.69a

BDP-05/51FD firmware upgrade 1.69a

Ver 1.69a
- Enhances stability of BD-ROM/BD-R/BD-RE playback


tangchakyan 發表於 2010-11-26 10:07


fuman0123 發表於 2010-11-26 11:21


ac388 發表於 2010-11-26 11:23

Did the upgrade 3-4 days ago but cannot tell the difference.

Eclipse 發表於 2010-11-26 11:56

Thanks, Ching{:6_193:}

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-11-26 12:05

已updated,用05/51的老友快的更新V. 1.69a啦。

V. 1.65是不穩定,經常出斑馬和無聲,V. 1.69a改善了。


avlam 發表於 2010-11-26 12:23

回復 1# haha161


ac388 發表於 2010-11-26 21:22

本帖最後由 ac388 於 2010-11-26 21:34 編輯

Be careful for those using the 5-channel analog output on this player. Since at AVSforum, they said this new firmware(by mistake) takes away the subwoofer signal n u will hear no deep bass. However, it will not affect those using HDMI out !!!

So, don't upgrade if u are using analog output to your amp..

lemonstar 發表於 2010-11-26 23:22

anyone tried if 1.69a for 05 able to play avatar extended version pls?

haha161 發表於 2010-11-28 14:17

本帖最後由 haha161 於 2010-11-28 18:30 編輯

just upgrade my 05,more stable than last firmware,co-axial digital output normal
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