Speaker cable suggestion for B&W CM9 with Linn Majik DS-I
Hi!Any speaker cable suggestion for CM9 with Linn Majik DS-I? I'd prefer bigger sound stage (if the cable could help improve) and less flabby bass (which is one weakness of CM9). My friends suggested me to consider the followings:
1) Delta A800
2) AudioQuest CV-8
3) Madison Audio Lab e3Extreme 2
Dear C Hings, what are your comments and further suggestions, if any? i use this brand in CM1
http://www.acousticzen.com/Speaker_Cables.html Thanks, C Hing!
Any other comments or recommendation from other C Hings? if less flabby, try belden. cheap cheap! i use this brand in CM1
bh72bh72 發表於 2010-11-21 20:26 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄你係咪用Epoch? 我諗緊呢條喇叭線黎駁Luxman 505u 同對 B&W 685 我用緊 epoch...好平均...低音會收得快D...爽 D Thanks! 中頻同高頻又如何呢? Thanks! 中頻同高頻又如何呢?
小Ga 發表於 2010-11-26 14:01 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我行 bi wire 夾其他線...Epoch 入低頻...另外一條入高頻,
行bi wire 聽到好多以前聽吾到既聲, 高低音都分明左.
如果吾行 bi wire, 用 Epoch 低入高出後, 行 jumper 都好正.
之前都有 ching 用