JMLab 配 Naim XS?
今日走去試JMLab 1028be, very very good. 高音更好聽, 低頻沒有很揼心口,但其實很足夠,控制力好好... 價錢都好... 貴... 成70k...其實有個問題,我而家用Naim XS, 會唔會唔夠推隻1028be? 試嗰時佢地用老麥梗係卓卓有餘,擔心真係有幸捧咗返去頭大身細咪弊?
再試了826,真係冇1028be咁好聽,但我覺得可能會同Naim XS同一級... 會匹配啲... 價錢差一大截!25k咋!
各位ching請俾啲意見!多謝! Ching I'm ex. xs user, xs can't fully control the 1028. 回復 1# ekylam
回复: JMLab 配 Naim XS?
我就係咁諗,所以預約時話想試埋1008be,不過去到Sales話隻野攞咗去影相,冇得試... 不過1008be都唔平,連腳成45k,出面買隻靚座地都得.仲有,諗緊升個cdp到cd5-xs先定upgrade speakers先... 而家對speakers係JMLab 806s...俾啲意見? 回復 3# stephen915
呢隻書加要乜野價位到? 回復 5# wwwbrian
I listened at the dealer showroom - at TST. Around $45K with the stands. 回復 5# wwwbrian
2奶also can試聽... but dealer showroom's room is bigger, more comfortable and they have almost all models you can plug them on immediately. XS may be better match with 1008BE.{:6_210:} 回復 8# babuwa
I would think that way too, but I would like to listen 1008be first. BTW, I'm also thinking if ProAC or Neat speakers would have the similar sound char as JMLab, esp. the high/medium pitch - really addicted... {:6_179:} any Ching can give an opinon? Tks! I don't think ProAc sound char will be similar to JM LAB{:6_147:}{:6_147:}. Ching better try try first.{:6_138:}{:6_138:} If using naim, most Ching will choice UK speaker like ProAC, not much Ching will match with JM LAB.{:6_166:}{:6_166:}
But I Like JM LAB.{:6_176:}{:6_176:}