The price of 3067
Any Ching know the price of 3067 in MK. 友共誠6/F $14500 友共誠6/F $14500qq1122yq 發表於 2010-11-15 23:29
I see the list price is more than HKD17K. 11月頭問,個價講到想出手,埋門1腳撻Q...我張咭無得做分期! {:6_123:} 11月頭問,個價講到想出手,埋門1腳撻Q...我張咭無得做分期!
qq1122yq 發表於 2010-11-15 23:39
Now is not this price la. Wing Shing quote the price is around HK16k more and HKD10300 for 2067. 要唔要我磅住你去買? {:6_238:} Just asking the price-not make decision. If I buy, I will 做分期 做分期+6% 做分期+6%
qq1122yq 發表於 2010-11-15 23:53
Yes. Most are add 6%. If 24 months. Not much money. You need to apply HSBC visa. Most AV shop accept HSBC visa. 回復 4# qq1122yq
我上次都係張CARD做唔到分期...不過而家14.5K 差唔多.