Luxman D-08 SACD Player
本帖最後由 avmilk 於 2010-11-22 09:58 編輯終於有機會一試D-08的威力了! 無論聽Jazz, 古典, 鋼琴, 人聲既表現都好吸引......!/note.php?note_id=177251818958308
How much ? 我都想知啊 ching 本帖最後由 SEGA1119 於 2010-11-15 21:22 編輯
不過相對於其他牌子的旗艦來講,這個價算是平好多啦!{:6_244:} 不過都嗨用不起啦{:6_129:} {:6_125:} 70.................. 天價級既價錢{:6_130:} any ching knows when the price of luxman will be increased? {:6_168:}70k..! 回復 9# nwwedmond
oh shit...what is the estimate % will be affect since am looking for D05 CDP....thanks ching... 回復 11# nwwedmond
thanks Ching..
however do you know what is the price range at D05 & 06?