壞左一隻kef iq5
撞壞左一隻kef iq5, 而家高音單完D聲拆左,有HiFi店員搵人幫我買對喇叭,400元,各位師兄點睇? 其實我想拿去原廠維修,但接近成千元,店員又話要一對換,加埋都幾貴,佢又話而家D KEF唔掂,我都唔知點好>_< 其實我想拿去原廠維修,但接近成千元,店員又話要一對換,加埋都幾貴,佢又話而家D KEF唔掂,我都唔知點好> ...mail2sampson 發表於 2010-11-14 01:40 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
1. 原廠保用時,保養條款所提供只換壞了的單元,單元break in後又一樣聲。
2. 你自己比錢,佢就叫你換哂佢。
3. 佢$400-同你買咗佢,然後同對Display偷龍轉鳳,對Display claim廠,你對就自用或當二手賣。
我就成千換一隻壞單元,以後小心玩,換cable時一定要熄機,不要用來唱K,咁就掂哂。 多謝Big師兄的意見。其實隻喇叭係比我夫人撞跌左,上年用左大約四千元買的,好果拿對野去整要花2千多元,又唔知D零件係唔係大陸野,整完仲係唔係以前禁好,唔知值唔值得。個店員要我呢一兩日內答佢買唔買。都唔知點好。 Ching 不如影張相出黎睇睇 " 損毀程度 " 先 !
撞跌左噃 , 個喇叭木箱 點情況 呢 !!! 個喇叭沒有任何傷痕,我夫人撞跌左又唔同我講,等我攪在好耐,又check AMP,又check 線,最後要左右換轉先知道個隻壞左,激到我出煙! 回復 6# mail2sampson
May not be that bad. If the HF tweeter is disconnected inside, it will have HF disappear so music playback become 折聲。If no more warranty, you can remove the screw and tweeter and see if the internal connection is disconnected due to the fallen incident. It can be reconnected easily. 回復 7# vicchow
個喇叭中央個圓形物體和外圈物體互相磨察到,所以有D聲,如果用手指按隹外圈,避左中央個圓形物體D聲就正常番。都唔知掂攪好。 回復vicchow
個喇叭中央個圓形物體和外圈物體互相磨察到,所以有D聲,如果用手指按隹外圈,避左中 ...
mail2sampson 發表於 2010-11-14 21:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
自己拆有機會整到wor~ 本帖最後由 vicchow 於 2010-11-15 00:42 編輯
回復 8# mail2sampson
kEF's central tweeter has suspensions to hold tweeter in perfect central position so that both the mid-range driver and tweeter can playback music smoothly in it's Uni-Q design.
it seems like one of your suspension is loosen and the tweeter is touching the mid-range driver. You should try to check by your self. Very possible to fix it by your self.