ocean.com 發表於 2010-11-14 12:15

回復 30# ekylam

    Silver Starlight我都一樣覺得貴!!
Ultraviolet CAN GET solid and natural. Sound wise is more detailed.{:6_193:} 黎點好吸引,好值得考慮!THX
仲有一個問題,PLASMA近睇D 粒子好粗下,定格近睇D粒子仲係不停咁動,PLASMA就係咁??

ekylam 發表於 2010-11-14 12:34

回復 31# ocean.com

My opinion: that's why watching TV needs to have the "Best Viewing Distance". Like for my 65", if I closely watch like from 1' to 2', of course you can see the picture not so smooth. But 65" the best viewing distance is around 10', and what you can see should be the most natural. I have my 26" LCD TV in bedroom - without Full HD the picture is already quite good becuase the size is small, everything is condensed.

Haha... correct me if I'm wrong, this is just my observation...

ocean.com 發表於 2010-11-14 12:47

回復 32# ekylam

    我都知有可視距離,不過我睇開LCD,LED 粒粒都係實!有點奇怪!
THX CHING,祝你"月"換"月"HAPPY!{:6_182:}

ekylam 發表於 2010-11-14 13:00

回復 33# ocean.com

I hope I can keep on upgrading! But one at time then you can observe whether there is any difference, in order to justify your decision to upgrade. It's an enjoyment to add one thing, then analyse, and add another one if still needs to be improved.

"You can't buy everything"... this is what I tell myself.

ocean.com 發表於 2010-11-14 23:07

回復 34# ekylam

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查看完整版本: T血戰士S PLASMA 問題!!

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