SUEDEHK 發表於 2010-11-10 18:16

HTPC 選 ATI Display 問各brand用料差別.

HTPC 選 ATI Display 問各brand用料差別.
想買張ATI display card 係htpc用, 本身呢部htpc 係用緊,680g onbroad 既ati 3300 display,因冇hd sound 出所以想加張咭玩下,應該會係買ati 5系多, 5跟6系差別應不大吧?

因很久前幫人整機試過同一個ati 8500 2個不同牌子的咭,一換上去色水都有幾大差別,所以呢個post主要想知而家有邊1-2個牌子 既ati咭係出名用料靚同畫質係比較突出架?

另外,想在這台htpc出40吋tv 打下機主要係玩pes 同nba 2k11 想問如開中高設定的,5系咭要邊個系列起碼才順暢玩呢?


hkbomberman 發表於 2010-11-10 19:08

ATI 5xxx Series is good enough for HD audio output.Sapphire brand is one of the best ATI partners you may consider.

danny73 發表於 2010-11-10 21:18

ATI 5xxx Series is good enough for HD audio output.Sapphire brand is one of the best ATI partners...
hkbomberman 發表於 2010-11-10 19:08

I just bought a Sapphire 5450 last week to build my htpc.The outcome picture is good, compare with my bluray player not loss too much.My card only lowest version 512mb DDR2 only at $#$(.I asked the sales whether higher grade will be better performance in picture, he said no difference if bitstream to amp, but you will need more ram (min 1G) if you are directly output to a big monitor >30 inch.

andrew225 發表於 2010-11-11 08:12

To play games like PES and NBA 2K11 at high settings, you need at least ATi 5750/5770

SUEDEHK 發表於 2010-11-11 12:28

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