Netmans 發表於 2010-11-9 22:22


本帖最後由 Netmans 於 2010-11-9 22:45 編輯


這種機動副本的任性小“機器人”,從標誌性的 星球大戰 電影響應語音指令,導航室和走廊,使任何有賓至如歸的感覺就像被運到一個星系很遠很遠(播放視頻)。 R2的服從40多個語音命令(“轉身!”,“移動了兩個單位!”)和他玩遊戲類似這樣的標記,使用紅外線傳感器搜索人員在一個房間。 他的傳感器幫助他跟隨你,也可以被設置用於檢測運動,把R2的在一個房間裡聽起來哨兵報警安全區域時,是入侵。 R2的燈,旋轉球的頂部,獨特的快樂和悲傷的聲音忠實地模擬真實的東西,一直到他偶爾的“壞心情”。 (一個簡單的命令,“R2中,表現你自己!”扣他離開它。)R2還可以重放聲音和對話,從 星球大戰 電影,請回答是或否的問題,並在玩跳舞音樂的著名酒館。 需要四節AA電池和四個D電池。 未成年人集會要求。 8歲以上。 15“高x 7 1 / 2”寬x 10 1 / 2“譯(6磅)

The Voice Activated R2-D2.
This motorized replica of the headstrong little "droid" from the iconic Star Wars films responds to voice commands, navigates rooms and hallways, and makes any home feel like it has been transported to a galaxy far, far away (Play Video). R2 obeys more than 40 voice commands ("Turn around!," "Move forward two units!") and he plays games like tag, using an infrared sensor to search for people in a room. His sensor helps him follow behind you, or it can be set to detect motion, turning R2 into a room sentry that sounds an alarm when a secured area is invaded. R2's lights, swiveling dome top, and distinctive happy and sad sounds faithfully mimic the real thing, right down to his occasional "bad mood." (A simple command of, "R2, behave yourself!" snaps him out of it.) R2 can also replay sounds and dialog from Star Wars movies, answer yes-or-no questions, and dance while playing the famed cantina music. Requires four AA batteries and four D batteries. Minor assembly required. Ages 8 and up. 15" H x 7 1/2" W x 10 1/2" L. (6 lbs.)

bruss421 發表於 2010-11-30 22:17

Source of image: here,lebron 8
These exclusive player editions will release in extremely limited quantities (36 pairs per colorway) in the House of Hoops. A Cleveland release is also not of the question.However, Nike is known to rescind releases of exclusive Lebron shoes without prior notice. Let’s just pray that we get a chance, albeit a small one, to cop these.

Several well-informed members of NikeTalk have confirmed that Nike is planning on re-releasing Player Edition colorways of the Zoom Lebron II. Lebron fans will surely be ecstatic about the retro since this is one of the best shoes among the Lebron line. The colorways scheduled to drop are the Saint Vincent-Saint Mary Away,Nike Air Max, Saint Vincent-Saint Mary Home,Supra “Gum” Pack – Skytop   Vaider   Cuban,Nike Air Max TN, Dunkman and the Hardwood Classic.
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