oppo 80 用無線網絡
最近買了部 Oppo 80,想問下如果想用無線網絡,是否用 Asus 的 WBK-1?有無師兄用過?其它牌子的 bridge 可不可以呢?謝謝! Yo.. says :Buy Two Bufflao Router (same Model), one as Router and one as Access Point. (外置按鈕可快速地在路由器 (Router) 和存取點 (Access Point) 模式間切換) Then you can use Lan Cable to connect Access Point to Blu-Ray Player, Set-Up-Box, Surround Amp & HTPC etc.
hkslash says : 如ching有router加個ap己經可以 ~
http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=52949&extra=page%3D1 謝謝!等我試試先。不過唔知是否個個router 都可以變做 AP,我有個舊款 D-link,又點轉做 AP 呢?